HIV E-Vaccine Abzentek

Investment Rationale
Market: Worldwide prevention of HIV infection; therapy of infection in combination with cART (37 Mil infected patients).
Advantages: The HIV E-vaccine induces catabodies and irreversible antibodies superior to ordinary antibodies. The E-vaccine targets the HIV Achilles heel, a structurally constant “superantigen” region (HIV SAG) of the gp120 coat protein that is essential for viral entry into host cells. Ordinary vaccines do not induce mature, broadly neutralizing IgG antibodies (bNAbs) capable of protecting against diverse HIV virus strains found across the world, because the SAG suppresses the IgM–>IgG class switching of antibodies directed to itself. The E-Vaccine corrects the defective IgM–>IgG class switch step. It is the only vaccine documented to induce synthesis of the fully matured IgG antibodies required for world wide protection against diverse HIV strains, as also the perpetually mutating, new HIV “quasi”species within every infected human.
Investment Opportunity in E-Vaccines Inc. (EVI) Spinout: The HIV E-Vaccine is ready for further development and human trials to be implemented by our EVI spinout. We have a well-defined plan to translate into an effective commercial HIV vaccine that prevents HIV infection worldwide. In combination with the available small molecule therapy against HIV, the E-vaccine could also provide a functional cure for HIV infected patients. The plan offers significant exit opportunity starting at completion of Phase 1 human trials (approximately 4 years).
The HIV E-vaccine embodies a new vaccine principle, immune protection derived from the bomb-like high energy stimulus, This principles can readily be applied to extended to numerous other infectious diseases that have remained intractable to traditional vaccination. EVI will explore the success of the E-vaccination principle to drug-resistant bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus strains and viruses that evade human immunity by mechanisms similar to those used by HIV.
B cell receptor, An antibody expressed on the surface of B cells that binds the target HIV region and sets off intracellular signaling that determines whether the cells produce protective antibodies or enter an abortive differentiation pathway; Superantigen region (SAG), The protein segment that binds germline B cell receptors to suppress the ordinary vaccine-induced antibody response to itself.